Founded in 2014 in Southern Germany, CarbonParts is a business that revolves around the production of Carbon Compasses for “Laser” and “Optimist” dinghies. Every individual compass or mount is handmade ensuring that we have the best quality products.
Our philosophy is to deliver the best solution for our costumers. From the beginning, we wanted to be the company the world’s best sailors trust in. Already at the Laser World Championship in 2014 six of the Top 10 sailors used our Laser Compass. From there on more and more sailors started to trust in our products, resulting in, that most of the sailors used our Laser Compass at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. We are really honored to have such great customers.
At new years day 2018 CarbonParts introduced a new compass mount, reacting to the Laser Class Rule change, which nowadays allows electronic compasses. More than 1000 CarbonParts EC Mounts sold in the first year shows that CarbonParts, once again, hit the needs of its customers.
On the basis of distributors in all the important sailing markets worldwide and a direct sale to all sailors, who are not close to one of our distributors, we can reach every customer in just a few days.
We want to further expand this success story, we have many more product ideas in our mind and maybe the next product is coming soon…
Good winds! CEO, Fabian Gielen